Comments (10)

  1. At 43 I have suffered (miserably in autumn/winter) with Rosacea which affects my eyes also – at this time of year going from the cold into the stuffiness of a poor ill-ventilated hot office is a killer for my skin and people dont understand what they cant see under make-up. I refer to it as being washed vigorously with a brillo pad!! After many expensive lotions, serums – etc etc I finally plucked up the courage to go make up free to my Dr last month and she said “Its Rosacea” (yeah? well ive known that for years) and immediately prescribed me Doxycycline (I wanted to avoid antibiotics but thought heck,if they get me thru the winter). After 1 week, my skin HAS improved, the awful reaction to heat, the burning and stinging has reduced by 50% at least!! I can tolerate a cup of tea without having to leave the office for fresh air. I can continue these pills, at 50mg Im tolerating them well except for constipation which is the only side effect. (Was never much of a goer anyway lol – so maybe this IS intestinal related – I also have Gilberts and had eradication therapy for Helicobacter way back). Also had gall bladder removal at only 28 (I have always been fit,non-drinker, smoker so whats with all this>>). Anyway folks, if you are dreading the winter, try Doxycycline for your Rosacea – it should certainly make things a good bit easier and get us through the most horrible time of the year for Rosacea sufferers!)

  2. Thanks so much for posting this information. I was just diagnosed with rosacea yesterday and have been doing research and getting scared since. When I saw this post -alkaline phosphatase- stood out to me and I went back to look at the results of my last blood tests (in May)which showed that my level of alkaline phosphatase was below normal range. I’ve been being treated for hypothyroidism, but the tests in May showed that I was taking too much thyroid medication – so Dr. Pushpakaran’s comment is also helpful to me.

    Thank you again for the information you provide.

  3. To Tina ,

    It sounds to me that you may have a form of SIBO. I would ask your doctor for a breath hydrogen test.

  4. Anybody suffering from acne should investigate gluten intolerance as the link between the 2 is wellknown.

  5. Mammalian intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) has many protective roles like gut differentiation, gut homeostasis, colon cancer prevention, etc. Homeostasis is achieved, whereby the so called good microflora are sustained in the alkaline intestinal environment. Other signal molecules like lipophilic vitamin, cholecaliferol, and the thyroid hormone too can modulte the overall expression of IAP in the gut.

  6. This is in line with my experience: my rosacea was awful for about two months (my main symptom is “pimples” on my cheeks and clogged pores, relatively little redness/flushing) and I couldn’t figure out why. I couldn’t think of anything I was doing different….

    ….except I had stopped taking acidophilus capsules regularly. I started again and my skin improved within TWO DAYS.

    Right now I take the expensive enteric-coated ones, but I’ve gotten results from less expensive brands as well.

  7. I’ve had digestive issues for around 6+ years now. A lot of the signs have been pointing towards gluten intolerance but and I’ve gone off and on forms of exclusion diets over the years but never truly stuck to it. About 4 months ago I started having constant stomach distention with a variety of other digestion related issues. On top of that, my cheeks started to flush every day. For months, every day it starts around 11 a.m and will end around 3p.m. It’s pretty consistent and it accompanied by a lot of heat – it also comes on with emotional stress. So, I have to get serious about getting to the bottom of it because it’s really affecting my life. I’m on a variety of supplements and just changed brands of krill oil and coincidentally, I seem to be flushing less on a daily basis (but still really bad with emotional stress). So, I’m going to cut out the krill oil and go back to fish oil (never had issues while on that) and start a gluten intolerance diet to see if I can get some relief from the bloating, distention, flushing, etc. I may be having malabsorption issues too – vit D specifically. I’m getting retested in another month. If you have any clinical article/tests I can pass onto my dr. that would be great! Thanks!!

  8. i am already on a fairly restrictive diet due to IBS…I cannot eat any grains, rice, or beans. What are some key SAFE foods that will not trigger histamine or histamine production for my rosacea?

  9. If you don’t mind me asking….what foods/drinks trigger your rosacea?

  10. I have always had a healthy diet. I don’t have any G.I. problems, either. I do notice some symptoms & triggers from certain foods/drinks, though. I was shocked about cheese, & marinated meats! This is good to know, & always good to hear latest research. This disorder has, basically, ruined my life. Anything that may help future generations is great news! I hope the future will find some answers, & treatments so people won’t have to live with this horrible problem.

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